Augmented Reality & Interactive Print

September 20, 2022 • Posted by DM20

Now is the time to achieve marketing goals with augmented reality and interactive print! Interactive print technologies such as QR codes and AR are no longer a thing of the future. These tools have become highly relevant to the printing industry and a multitude of different businesses.

Enjoy this webinar as Brad Kugler, CEO/Co-Founder of DirectMail2.0, Morgan DiGiorgio, SVP Sales of DirectMail2.0, and Steven Belshaw, CEO/Co-Founder of UnifiedAR, explore the latest technologies and how printers, ad agencies and companies using the direct mail marketing channel can integrate these technologies to add value to their direct mail campaigns.

Topics discussed:

• The latest—and popular—technologies for making print interactive.

• How QR codes make print a high-value touchpoint for customer communications and tracking.

• Different types of AR and how they can be used to drive revenue.

• How AR is becoming adopted by marketers and how this translates to your marketing efforts.

Questions on how to incorporate this tech into your direct mail campaigns? Contact [email protected] and learn more!

Here is the transcript for this webinar:

I was going to say different, our topic is I would say more Niche than usual would you agree oh absolutely you know it’s  a bit more esoteric than we’ve done before but it’s really relevant to what’s happening in the industry and I’ll go into it more but I can say that even though this technology has been around a little while it was mostly ignored for the most of the last decade would you agree Steven oh absolutely yeah absolutely so and it’s been a lot around for quite some time so it’s taken some time to really impinge

good afternoon thank you everybody who’s joining us right now  we’re going to get started here in just a few minutes we’d like to give everybody an opportunity to join so they don’t miss out on anything that we’re going over today so give us just about a minute or two yep and for the people that have come in already we do want to make this interactive we do what’s becoming I think less and less common is having a live webinar most of the larger companies I know are pre-recording these they’re putting them out there as you know linear play only and somebody Fields questions we are all live there is nothing that is pre-recorded so please use the raise hand the Q&A chat and ask questions and we’ll be happy to answer them on the spot this is one of the advantages of a live webinar and we intend to make use of it absolutely

Marjorie said that it’s been too expensive for her clients so she’s very interested in hearing what we have to say today  and I happen to know that Steve’s platform is super affordable and so I think that you’ll be very excited to learn more about his technology and offerings for sure yeah honestly I was surprised at how affordable to be honest with you yeah wait is that all it costs wait what do I don’t have to buy a license I don’t have to like do I was pleasantly surprised how affordable his technology is so and if Brad is saying that let me assure you I am one of the cheapest rounds so  without further Ado you know let’s be respectful of everybody’s time there are still some people that are joining in but let’s go ahead and get started we’ll get through  introductions and then we’ll get into the content

so welcome everybody thank you for joining us for our live interactive webinar my name is Morgan de Giorgio and I am the SVP sales for Direct Mail 2.0  here at Direct Mail 2.0 we have a marketing automation platform and our sole purpose is to integrate technology to make Direct Mail the most effective marketing channel and we do that through tracking the direct mail marketing channel and improving the response  today we’re going to be talking about a very specific technology something that’s actually new to our platform that helps with the tracking and increase in response to the mail and that’s our QR code module  and then we’ll be hearing from Stephen Belshaw the CEO and co-founder of Unified AR and he’s going to hone in on his augmented reality and other  interactive print platforms and Technology as well so over to you Brad to give a quick introduction of yourself to our audience

thanks Moe I am happy to be here and because it’s our show and we’re going to go first and I’m going to take you through QR code stuff so all everybody’s heard of QR codes forever and I’m going to kind of go in and break it down a little bit more and maybe some of this stuff is new and maybe it’s not but this is something that I can say well everyone knows it’s been around for a long time so and I’ll tell you how long it’s been around since 1994. Toyota is actually the company that developed it for keeping track of vehicles as they come off the assembly line so we’re talking about technology that’s almost 30 years old and it’s been used in inventory and other things over the years I think one of the first places I recall it being used was UPS started using a two-dimensional barcode to track packages probably about 20 years ago when I was involved in the wholesale distribution market now as far as advertising and printed media this comes a little later and this is where we’re going to delve into we’re going to kind of skip the inventory management and package tracking because that’s not what we’re about here but just to give you a little background I want to explain how it works

everybody’s seen these QR codes and they look like mishmash of dots and squares and rectangles but there is a method to the madness and I’m not going to delve in too deeply on it but this gives you a very high level there’s three big boxes basically just tell the computer or the optical device that is required where to focus its attention all right and then there has to be consistency amongst these codes to make them work because if everybody designed their own code with no formatting or no agreed upon rules it would be a mess everything breaks down to zeros and ones and I won’t get into the detail there but that little area within the greens are where the data locks okay those three big boxes mean nothing the white space means nothing it’s those where those nbers are that means things all right now let’s go over like what happened in the last 30 years and I think one of the biggest things is QR codes really took off because of one thing and I’m sure you guys know what that is it’s covid

contactless engagement is what it’s all about all right so if you can actually look up a menu you can pay for something you can respond to an ad if you can do something without touching something or using a keyboard or going to a computer well you’ve made the process of engaging with something quicker and easier the other thing that actually happened before covid is and some of you may not remember this but in order to decode a QR code you needed an app on your mobile device the cameras on your phone did not automatically recognize they were looking at a QR code so you had to download a QR code reader and back in the early I’m going to call it 2007 to say 2017. most of the time you needed an app to actually decode that QR code both Android and Apple started making that technology inherent within their camera’s Optical device so you can kind of see on the dates where those things kind of happened and I would guess although I don’t have anything to back it up is it looks like in in 07 the cameras on phones blew it up and then it blew up again a few years later which is probably the ability to use it inherently with a camera this kind of gives you an idea of some of the growth over the years 

QR code was relegated to the Techno Geeks and the guys that really were just love technology unfortunately I was one of these guys so I’ve been using QR codes for probably a better part of 15 years I downloaded those db apps and I would open the app and I would find a QR code in a magazine or I would try to use it on my UPS package just because I was geeky like that I wanted to understand how it worked and so for me this is very old technology that the world is now starting to catch on so I won’t go over all of these stats but the basic premise here is it’s blown up in recent years mostly in the last two and a half years so it’s been in the news too and are some recent articles that you can look at that sort of have explained where QR codes are going to next

even an article in CNN I saw just last week that says well how come now that the coveted pandemic is over why are people still using QR codes why hasn’t it gone back to the technology graveyard that it came from because people got used to it they saw the ease of use and it became expected now I do know plenty of Boomers and gen xers myself sometimes being one of them where I go to a restaurant and they have the QR code sticker mounted on the table for the menu and I’m like can you please bring me a paper menu  so I think there’s a few of us that do that  I’d be curious well we don’t have a survey thing but I would say at this point you should have a QR code on your business card you should have a QR code if you’re a restaurant or service or any type of facility where people come in so they can easily find your website you know website domains have gotten very long over the years and you know if you’ve gotten a three or four letter domain in congratulations most people are now past 10 letters or it’s dot IO or it’s dot net or it’s dot something else so it gets a little more clsy to type in 20 25 characters when you can just point your phone’s camera at it and get to the website so  I will share this deck at the end that has the links to these articles

so anything by the way in the decks or anything that we’re talking about you will get a copy of the deck and a copy of the recording hopefully with some of the s and ahs edited out of it so here’s some interesting stats that I wanted to share with QR codes by the nbers and first you might say why do we care why does anyone even give a crap if people are using QR codes

I’ll tell you that if you’re in marketing this is the point where it’s kind of like something that you should be using in marketing all right if the adoption rate is at the point that if you’re not using it you’re kind of behind the times and I don’t want to create a lot of fear but some of you may remember the early 2000s or the late 1990s where people are going around selling websites what do I need a website for nobody’s buying stuff online nobody’s going to put their credit cards in nobody’s really using websites it got to the point where if you don’t have a website there’s a almost illegitimacy to your business or your marketing activities so I’m not saying that that’s exactly mirroring what’s happening with QR codes at this point but if you’re not using them in your marketing or in your website or in your  business cards it’s time to start adding it it’s time to adopt it they cost nothing to make they’re free to use they can report a lot of good information and these nbers here on this chart kind of show the pervasiveness of QR codes at this point

so I question this first stat but I’m going to give it anyway because it’s here 6.6 billion people use smartphones okay why is this relevant because every smartphone has a camera and every camera has an inherent QR code reader at this point there’s 7.7 billion people on earth I will pass along my own grain of salt with this I have a hard time believing there’s 6.6 million people with a smartphone in their hand on this planet maybe it’s true even if it’s half of that that’s still a lot of people all right a recent survey said that 75% and this is a survey in 2022. 75% of us are eager to use more QR codes that means the public has adopted this technology and they will use it all right not every time in every instance but they will use it

59% QR codes will permanently be part of their daily usage again the public adoption is there 70 percent of restaurants use QR codes we’ve hit that critical mass another point and 76 percent of consers have scanned a QR code at some point there you have to have lived under a rock not to use a QR code at this point so again I’m trying to drive the fact that this is a marketing activity that you should be using as part of your marketing stack all right so who’s using these the most all right I know that this stat shows us is low but there are more people using QR codes in the United States than anywhere else now why do I have it there this is a respondent from a specific company and I delve down into this to find out why is the US solo it’s basically it’s a European company so that’s why those nbers are low but it does show that other company countries are using QR codes to a pretty deep level all right and the other thing is who are the age groups using these so if you’re targeting the I guess you can say the Millennials or gen Z they’re the ones using this the most so if you’re marketing to this group of people this is something that should definitely not be overlooked in your marketing mix

and what are they using it for what are people tending to use QR codes the most or most successfully and these charts will show you exactly that coupons obviously  access to specific information but the biggest thing if you look on the chart on the right is magazines and newspapers are big that’s all advertising product packaging that’s if you give you an example that you bought a product a lot of times they’re conser products it could be drugs it could be medicines they could be even food information labels these are being put on products all over the place all the time and then of course to drive people to a website that’s nber three all right posters or Flyers that are posted

I have driven down the interstate and seen barcodes on billboards that I’ve been able to scan driving by at 75 miles an hour all right makes sense another one and this is one of the ones I think is key is on business cards a business card can scan a QR code it doesn’t bring you to a website it doesn’t necessarily bring you to some information it will actually allow you to create what’s called a VCF which are those little data cards that are in your outlook or in your customer relationship manager that will take and format that address phone nber email and put it into a CRM of some sort on demand so very very useful if you’re at a trade show or you’re meeting lots of people boom they’re in your contact database instantly

one of the other things and I’ve seen this more recently and I’ll show you some examples I’ve been watching a sporting event and a bar will come up across the bottom and it will actually have a QR code on the TV if you have an HD or high def TV at this point it will scan from your screen now if your television is older I’ve had trouble with this it will not scan so as long as you have a decent camera and a decent TV you will see these things work directly as you sit on the couch and you point it at your screen or you’re driving down the freeway and you point it at a billboard very quick very easy these are some other examples that some of I mentioned little counter stands  street signs TVs business cards 

another example is an instant download for an app you scan a QR code it’ll bring you to the Google or Android or Apple App Store and it’s smart enough to know which one to send it to you based on the operating system you’re using and will take you right to download that app instantly without going to a website or even clicking download it will just happen 

these are some examples of things you can do with QR codes to sort of make them a little more fun and a little more interesting all right you can put them in the shape of logos you can add background images as you see with the Mona Lisa you can embed product images you can they don’t have to be square they can be Circle again if you maintain those  parameters that are very simple you can make the QR code look any way you like and you can embed quite a bit of data to it

I see that we have some questions already Morgan do you want to jump in with any of these or shall we wait till the end why don’t we I think was thinking it would be trying to get through all the content just because we have a lot and then we can discuss it all right then we have some time perfect I’m grabbing the ones in the chat  this one will do live though at the end all right let me go back to that again

 there’s some information here about the sizes and colors and the DPI if you’re printing them and again this information will be on the deck so that you can see it so if you’re printing a QR code all of that information you need to print it effectively is here included

one of the things that I’m sure some of the people here may or may not have used or know about is the UPS I’m sorry USPS is like apple they don’t very often have a sale and when they do it’s once a year and it’s very specific they do not haggle they do not vary they do not negotiate but they are offering a you could say it’s a sale it’s a two percent discount on postage if you use a QR code with your marketing mail piece now I’ll let Morgan jp in here if there’s anything that I’m getting wrong but two percent on postage I mean it may not sound that exciting but actually it doesn’t happen very often and if you’re mailing to hundreds of thousands of people that two percent can add up pretty quickly all you got to do is put a QR code on your piece of your postage piece is that correct Morgan

yeah well that’s correct and there’s a few other things you know but we’re focusing specifically on QR codes but there’s digital voice assistant and a few other things but I also just wanted to add that in addition to marketing mail non-profit marketing mail also qualifies and you can even utilize this mobile shopping promo with the QR code even if it’s not generating a scan to a site where you’re selling something for you know for to raise funds for a donation you can utilize this also for raising monies as long as you have a return envelope in the solicitation for a donation as well so for non-profit to be able to take advantage of an additional two percent above and beyond the price breaks are already getting in their postage I think that’s just phenomenal right excellent so take advantage of it use it you know two percent is two percent

so all right so how does this all combine with omnichannel marketing I mean the QR code is honestly probably the most integrated thing that Bridges printed piece with digital marketing because it takes that printed piece which is required for most cases for a QR code to exist and it brings you to that online interaction or engagement instantaneously so when you have a QR code it sort of opens up the door to engagement to extending your message you can deliver additional messages and you can track that engagement so when you combine it with several other pieces of omni Channel marketing the goal here is to lift response lift Roi lift engagement whatever you’re going for

one of the things and this is where I kind of segue into the commercial about dm2o is we offer that omnichannel platform where you can take a printed piece Bridge it over into the digital world to improve that lift or Roi so very important here it can start with a QR code it can start with dialing a nber it could start with going on to a website well guess what that QR code can give you a phone nber it can take you to a website that allows some of these other things to start happening where you’re targeting the same person that received the mail and you know what happens when I repeat something 10 12 20 times you remember it you take action and you engage with it

so this is an example I’m not going to go through every one of these 10 things on the screen but obviously those of you know what Direct Mail 2.0 does we do all of the things on this screen and we would be happy to talk to you as long as you’d like about each one of those this is not the time or the place but we do it one of the things I want to go and before I introduce well our module is most of the QR codes fall into two categories static and dynamic

static means non-changing it is what it is and it doesn’t change dynamic means that things can change now obviously even though we’re not physicists here we know that that printed QR code is not going to morph into something else by itself as it transmits to your mailbox so the dynamic part comes as it’s being used it doesn’t come while it’s floating around the mail system the difference being here is on a static you link to one URL that URL does not change so if that code equals a URL that’s it one-to-one relationship one code equals one URL dynamic means a few things can change most commonly it means that you can change where you’re directing that person to

I could take that QR code that’s on that piece of mailbox and one day I can direct it to one site another the next I could direct it to another site the other things that you can do is you can monitor those scans report on every time that they’ve scanned you’re pulling back a lot of information so give me some use cases well some use cases are you put up a billboard and you send every single person to the same website that would be a static QR code it’s not changing the destination is not changing so let me give you an example of a dynamic code well let’s say you wanted a unique QR code for every single person that’s receiving the mail well why would you do that well a very good reason that means you can absolutely know with 100 certainty which receiver of mail scanned which piece all right because that code for that individual is absolutely unique and we can send them to a website and I can say Bob Jones from 523 Main Street scanned his mail piece three times on three different days and went to that website

why is that information value I don’t have to teach you why but I’m sure you can figure out now you know who’s interested and what they did we can even provide information such as what device they used what operating system they used what IP address they came from and now you can hone your Marketing in to that specific person because once they arrive at the website you can retarget them you can see which Pages they went to you can see what things they’re interested in so now you can develop a very very targeted campaign to follow up that individual

so I want to show you how does dm2o provide this service and this is getting a little bit in I’m pulling back the curtain and showing you our platform some of you are probably already Partners or users of our product but I’m announcing that we now offer the ability to provide our resellers with dynamic or static QR codes in four easy steps

basically when you log on to create your campaign now I’m assuming you already have a direct mail campaign that you’re running and you now want to add QR codes to it you select do you want a QR code do you want static or do you want Dynamic specifically in this case dynamic means I want a different QR code for every single mail recipient so I know who actually scan the code you go through and you create who do you which website do you want to send them to now you can send them to one website or if you want and this is a version two that will come out in a few weeks from now you can create an individual landing page for each individual person so you can take Bob Jones from 532 West Main Street and you can deliver him to a specific page just for him that says hey Bob thanks for coming back last time we saw you bought this how about seeing this time you can have very very customized PURLs

now that’s not something we do but we allow the marketer to have that type of flexibility then we have the person we generate a QR code based on the information they put in they test it make sure it all works it resolves to the website correctly and then they actually download all of those QR codes so if it’s just one code well that’s pretty easy but if they have a mailing of 5 000 pieces we will download 5 000 individual QR codes that are linked to the intelligent mail barcode so when the printer prints the docent or the mail piece he has an identifying piece of information for every single individual so that that process is done correctly and we can correctly report on the following we can report unique scans we can report on total scans who from the mailing list scanned it when they scan it how many times they scanned it and coming soon additional information in terms of device type operating system IP address and all sorts of fun stuff

so this is a product that we are going to be releasing next week actually on the first we will be continuing to develop this so if you’re a printer or a marketer who wants the ability to deliver unique QR codes for every mail recipient we’re a player now and Morgan will discuss or send out pricing information but again we’ve made this very affordable and those that are partners of ours it’s really cheap really cheap all right so I’m done with my content portion do we want to go with if any questions about this or do we want to let Steven take over and do questions at the end

I just want to touch on one question real quick because it’s from an event so it doesn’t get diluted you know Michael was wanting to know how would you pull up Bob Jones and Bob Jones address would it need to be manually entered or how are we getting that information and so Michael in our platform we allow for the creation of campaigns and we’re actually provided with a mail file so we’ll have the mailing list and that will supply us with all the information we need to create those pqr codes good point all right so super is that all you got Brad 

that’s all I got so I’m gonna stop the share and I’ll let Steven take over and give his augmented reality presentation

all right everyone thank you for your time today and let’s jump in so what I’m going to do today is I’m going to take you through a quick introduction into our unified ar a bit of an overview on augmented reality and then some key stats and  also some examples and so forth so each of the slides that we’re going to go through today actually has a real live interactive web hour experience on it so please do feel free to pull out your phone as we go through and  scan each of the QR codes that are on each of these slides and  the experience augmented reality and  web as we as we go through so without any further Ado  who’s unified ar so unified we’re a self-service white labeled augmented reality  marketing platform so basically  what we do is we partner with printers agencies and marketers around the world  to actually help enable them to take augmented value to market for their customers

so we’re predominantly focused on Partner Channel distribution we’ve been around since  1997  again we’re a global provider and we actually have a physical presence in  the US the UK and of course Australia which is where I’m sitting at the moment  so and I think the other point tonight too is what makes us very different to a lot of other players in the AR space is that we are predominantly focused on AR for print direct mail and packaging so we’re less likely to be  swayed by getting into projects on metaverse and spatial air and that sort of thing  our entire focus is on enabling prints with augmented reality

so what is AR or interactive print so augmented reality is the layering of digital content such as video 3D animation 2D animation Etc over print and real world environments so  augmented reality and this sort of ties in very well with what Brad was saying as well in particular with our new gen augmented reality which is web-based  is it’s basically the perfect conduit between traditional  print mail and digital channels so it’s seamlessly and guides consumers from a print piece through to an engaging digital experience  it’s  and again because it’s actually  digitally based it’s all measurable so you know again being able to tell  who  you know what’s been viewed how long it’s been viewed for where it’s been viewed from IP addresses and so forth and  with some Advanced modules even the ability to be able to tell exactly who’s done that and Etc

so  what we’re going through today is the AR enabled print and Direct Mail we’re not going to be talking about early AR such as Pokemon and metaverse and that sort of thing  it’s all going to be print based augmented reality that we’re going to  talk through and I think it’s also important to note that  some of the walls again  augmented reality is predominantly  I suppose beneficial to the likes of direct mail and so forth it can also be used on things like packaging signage labels business cards calendars fridge magnets and that that sort of thing as well

in the room today may have actually used augmented reality in the past they might have actually experienced it as a consumer they may have also actually tried  I suppose even pulling together augmented reality campaigns for customers Etc  one of the things I do want to  I do want to make very clear today is AI has evolved it’s evolved a lot over the last couple of years whereas you know two or three years ago is actually quite a cumbersome expensive technology to actually play with it was also took a long time to actually pull together campaigns Etc

it’s changed a lot it’s  now very quick and easy to implement  it’s very cost effective and most importantly it’s also web-based now so no longer is there a need to actually download map 2x access the augmented reality it’s simply scan the QR code and click through the  to it to experience the AR

yeah I just wanted to chime in I want to make sure that people actually try scanning these codes because you know what you got is really cool and until you see it and experience it so please grab your phone and scan those codes to get an idea of how this works because it’s hard to visualize it until you actually do it

thanks Brad yeah absolutely I know this one and the one we’re looking at on the screen here now is a  it’s a 3D ladies shoe  so you scan it you click through  you give you access to the for the browser to access the camera you click through the splash page and you’ll actually have a ladies thread issue on the screen your camera on the screen your phone that you can actually move around you can size in and out you can rotate and that sort of thing so a great example of a 3D being delivered through augmented reality here 

I think also too there’s  facets of augmented reality that have evolved  even further in particular around the print direct mail space some of which I’ll go through very shortly but being able to  use augmented relating in particular where they are to actually synchronize Direct Mail lists Etc  integrate with social media platforms for retargeting  you know doing Geo specific content and calls to action depending on where people are actually viewing the content from and also pulling together multiple experiences into a single QR code by whatever an AR catalog so there’s  you know the whole AR and webinar space  in particular in print is evolving quite quickly

so looking at looking at some of the key benefits of AR and webinar and then again the example that’s on the screen there now I can actually scan that one there you’ll need to actually turn away from the screen slightly to experience the  augmented reality because it’s actually a full-size Ducati motorbike  that you can actually load in the room next to you on the floor so basically  some of the key benefits of it are improves print and Direct Mail performance  and that by way of  actually being far more engaging and interactive  it allows businesses to stand out from the competition and be seen as  Innovative and again consumers love dealing with Innovative businesses it provides customers with a more engaging and memorable brand experience and there’ll be some stats I’ll run through in a second 

it also streamlines the customer Journey from to digital goals so one of the things with  respect to webinar is that the actual call to action with web hour experiences  it actually it actually occurs with inside the web our browser so you’re not actually sending somebody to a site and then expecting them to take the call to action on that side or on that landing page what you’re doing is you’re actually triggering an experience  they’re actually engaging with that experience and that experience is actually then driving the call to action to that to their digital goal

is there  one-on-one attribution like if I don’t know if that’s possible if somebody does one of these  AR sort of applications and they log in or they bring it up on their phone is there any sort of reporting that says who did it or IP capture or anything

absolutely so for  I suppose like the  QR code  if it’s being  viewed  without  like  synchronization to a mail list we can actually tell  the phone type the IP address the location where the consumer actually has a location tracking  accepted for their browser type  we can tell how long the experience has been viewed for whether there was a call to action taken and so and also how many times  was that experience viewed now when you actually take it to the next level  and  I’ll run through this shortly and you actually synchronize it with a mail list we can then tell exactly who did what so we’ll be able to say Brad viewed this experience on this date he viewed it for this amount of time he then went through the call to action 

we can also then personalize the experience to a degree where the  splash page that you’re arriving on is hey Brad  take a look at your new ride  and then you view the Ducati  and then the call to action comes up and says hey Brad click here to organize a test ride so again you’re actually starting to synchronize and pull in that mail data into the  web hour experience and into that consumer’s journey and it’s at that stage there we can tell exactly again  who’s actually done that

excellent okay good so yeah so one of the one of the other things  that said that’s really good about webinars it actually allows for better utilization of digital marketing assets so for example  if you’ve got a customer that actually has promotional video for  you know  a product launch all that sort of thing and that sound that promotional videos available from the website and so forth webinar allows you to actually pull that content back into other media such as the  print as would  the QR code but the web app will actually bring that that video back into the actual browser and you can actually then set a call section on that so instead of just actually having digital assets available on digital platforms you can actually launch these digital Assets

Now from  print and traditional media  again reportings in real time so  like as we go through and look at these experiences at towards the end of the  webinar today I could actually pull up the screen and show you a map of where people have actually viewed  content throughout the webinar  and again you can change campaigns on the fly so this Ducati could actually have a call to action to have a test ride today it could be something completely different tomorrow  the actual content that you actually deliver can be changed and apply as well and like the shopping QR code and so forth the  augmented reality may be eligible for a two percent discount also with USPS through the postal Pro Promotions  for the emerging Tech again that’s now over for this year but  all indications would be that that’ll be available again next year as well

so a couple key stats that are pretty important so  from live we’ve got  augments reality provides 70 higher levels of memory encoding and 1.9 times the level of visual attention the non-relate AR related interactions so again bringing that popping that content out popping your message out to Consumers and actually making it engaging and interactive —  interactive products are leads to 94 High conversion rates when interacting with products that are delivered in augmented reality so again the Ducati or a piece of furniture in the corner of the room and so forth

I think  the one that’s actually really powerful is this one here and this was actually done in conjunction with  USPS back in 2018 when AR is incorporated into Direct Mail response rates jumped from 2.2 to 3 to as high as 35 so that’s  actually a massive increase  in the actual response right with those AR enabled Direct Mail campaigns

okay this one here  webinar again this one here you’ll need to scan the QR code turn away from your desk and  you’ll actually be loading our names chair  in the room next year so what are some of the industry verticals that we’re actually seeing  showing an interest or taking on augmented reality at the moment so  Banking and Financial is a big one at the moment we’ve seen quite a lot of interest through the banking and finance industry and augmented reality real estate and property that one there’s a little bit of a no-brainer because again to be able to bring property and  whether it be 3D tours or even 3D floor plans  when you’re buying off the plan or property into people’s homes  then that’s you know that’s where the power of AR

and in particular webinar comes in  Healthcare and medical we’ve seen quite a lot of interest from Healthcare and medical at the moment Education and Training I’ve got a case study to show you shortly with osu’s Oklahoma State University and again retail Pro and consumer products Hospitality automotive and  also political campaigning so again coming back to the memory encoding  and sort of  sitting in people’s minds on the day that sort of thing

so as mentioned this one’s a partner showcase so this is a very quick case study on Oklahoma State University this was done by car art a company so Oklahoma State University wants to actually optimize student enrollments and engage with them using Cutting Edge communication so again being able to stand out as an innovator in the education space so this campaign was actually one of the first campaigns run globally that actually included the  address mile module and the actual  had bearable QR codes and it was synchronized with a mail list

so basically the perspective students would actually scan the QR code that would actually get their personalized splash page that would actually then be taken through a video introduction into the school and then click through a personalized call to action to actually go through to their enrollment page the actual results of this  campaign the actual  scan right was around 25 between 23 and 25 for the campaign because it was actually run across   different  weeks and lists and so forth  and actually had an amazing click through of 61 so 61 of those that actually scanned the content actually clicked through to the enrollment page so  again a really good result for that there

this one here 3D example of a photogrammetry model so  this one has a  a model of a ricotta Tartine dish  on a on a cutting board that was actually the thread it was created using a mobile phone to actually take a series of photos and then stitch together stitch together as threading so what does the future of print AR look like so again without having a crystal ball  what I can tell you is some of the things that  that we’re working on  with respect to the future of equipment AR and a lot of it  if not all of it is very much  based on  omnichannel   Solutions and so forth so bringing the print and the AR back into as many digital experiences as possible

so  in in particular some of the ones that we’ve been we’re working on are the address mail list synchronization variable webinar and per generation from with our campaigns  digital retargeting  geospecific content and calls to action and  augmented reality experience catalogs and I’ll actually take you through just a couple of quick slides to show you how those actually work

so this one this one here is the address mail module so again the address mail module allowance users of the platform to a little more personalized experiences basically campaigns are created then my lists are run against the campaign and what is delivered back to the partner is a an amended mail list with unique IDs and unique QR codes for every single recipient in the mail list and again as with the variable QR codes that Dynamic QR codes that Brad was talking about  at that site there we can actually pull in personalization into the actual webinar experience but we can also track exactly who did what when they did it how often they did it and for how long they did it Etc

digital retargeting so the ability to be able to add things like Facebook pixels Google Tags and other  tags and so forth into  the actual webinar experience so that post webinar  people can actually be retargeted on those social media platforms  again this one’s  again these modules that I’m supposed to speak about now  they’re actually in beta at the moment we’re actually running these campaigns for a nber of Partners and  those the address mile one is very popular as is this this digital retargeting one

the catalog module so this one here is all about bringing multiple augmented reality experiences into a single QR code so basically what would happen in this instance here is  you would you’d get this brochure you would scan the QI code annually taken through to a catalog and then that catalog then allows you to open up a variety of different threading models place them in your room and those models trigger a call to action that allows you then to go through to the online store to actually purchase the furniture

and the last one is this one this one here  is coming soon so this is the GH content module so the ability to be able to create a single  webinar campaign  send it as a national  mailpiece but have content specific to the region delivered to  people that actually haven’t the same  so it’s local area marketing on a national level so  wherever the person scans the content from they get a different experience and they get different calls to action

so ideal for example franchise networks and so forth whereby you know if you scan content at a local message from  you know the local franchisee and then sent via the call to action through to  through their office Etc that’s actually great to know I was just asked about that last week about having Regional responses based on the ZIP code they come from and I said yeah we can do that but it would have to it would depend on but it sounds like you’ve got a solution for that that’s actually good to know I have a use for that

yeah that’s good now you can speak me a lot of Brad yeah but that’s  pretty much everything I had to  run through today so I’m going to  sorry  no sorry I do apologize busting the myths so this one this one is actually really important so busting them is augmented reality is expensive  it can be but  in all reality  augment reality is has become quite a cost effective solution so in particular if we look at  say those  address mail campaigns that I’m talking about  whereby you run the campaign via the actual  webinar experience and you send that out but those if you’ve actually got the content ready to go for those campaigns the actual webinar the webinar component of it can be as small as fractions of a cent per mile base actually really really cheap in comparison to the overall campaign price Etc

so  again it’s not  if in the past you’ve been  sort of hesitant to actually do the augmented reality  right because of the actual cost of it it’s well and truly  come down in price it might be worth really looking at that 

augmented reality is hard  again  there’s been a lot of advancements in technology of augmented reality and in particular augmented reality distribution quite performs  and what you’ll find is that there are some platforms out there now that you can actually create campaigns without any technical experience or whatever

you can actually create campaigns without any coding  and you can actually have campaigns created in as little as two minutes  so it’s really easy to create some of these campaigns these days

augmented reality doesn’t work so again augment reality evolved a lot over the years  there was a lot of pushback on augments around in particular our based augmented reality  in the past now that it’s actually web-based it’s removed a lot of the barriers for the audience to actually access the content and it makes it a lot easier for them to actually interact with the augmented reality and it also makes it a lot easier to actually set up so you’re not actually coding content into Apps and that sort of thing you’re actually using those  the augmented reality browsers so web-based augmented reality browsers to actually deliver the content so  again making it a lot more accessible to the audience 

and the last one is almost like the reverse of the previous one and that is augmented reality as a silver bullet  quite often I  hear people talking about augmented reality in such a way that’s  if I throw this augmented reality in the QR code on a piece of print then it’s you know my all my problems are sold the fact of them batteries and just like QR codes with augmented reality and web AR it requires a strategy a clear purpose goals and more importantly a reason for the organ for the audience to engage so just throwing the QR code for where they are onto a postcard onto a banner or a sign or that’s something is not going to solve your problems if you haven’t actually haven’t got the strategy behind it and so forth and really understand what it is that you want to achieve from actually having the campaign there so that brings that being said I have now come to just two seconds to the end of my presentation

so I do again thank you  everyone for your time today  Morgan over to you

I have a couple questions I mean I’ll just jump in there  one of the questioners Michael Martel has asked so if somebody has a preferred language on their browser or their identity profile is it possible that the response that comes up will somehow intuitively know their language preference

I don’t have an answer for that but maybe you do  I don’t yeah I don’t I don’t believe that would be  possible  at this stage I mean without custom coding I don’t see how that would actually how they could actually work sure no problem I I’m not sure either that seemed a little bit of a bridge to cross I don’t know of any technology that’s going to inherently pull the information from the browser or the user profile and deliver a response in that language unless they’re in that country or the website is pre-written in that language and we’re assessing  our language preference so I I lost there yeah

 Julie asks  Brad I’m not sure I understand how we would track unique QR codes for dm2o would be created from a mailing list can you clarify absolutely so you know every piece of mail has an intelligent male barcode it’s a unique 31 digit correct me if I’m wrong Morgan 31 digit number every single addressee has a unique intelligent mail barcode all we simply do is we create a unique QR code for every single male recipient based on that intelligent mail barcode in fact one way that we can keep it simple and straight is we actually name that image that QR code 31 22 whatever the 31 digits are DOT jpeg or dot PDF or whatever form you want it in so that there’s no way well there’s obviously a way people can make mistakes but it’s very easy in the print process to ensure that specific barcode is printed with that address label on that postcard or on that mail piece that’s how we do that

I don’t have any other existing questions or comments I know some people put stuff in in the chat unfortunately when I respond to the chat I can only respond to the hosts and panelists I see Morgan has or somebody has responded to most of them correct yeah I did but there’s a couple for you Steve

you still and view that on 360 Degrees how difficult is it to set up  if the if the 3D CAD model can be exported into a glb format  and  what you do need to do because again keep in mind that you’re actually delivering this to mobile devices so it needs to be  it needs to be downsized in such a way that  the polygons are you know are kept quite low and  so forth but if it can be exported into a glb format then yes it can actually be downloaded  through webar onto either a  to be actually viewed within the phone and interacted with or even placed onto a horizontal surface such as the example of the Ducati and the Ames Lounge that or the Ames chair that we actually had in that slide deck

okay fantastic one more question how can AR be used in finance insurance or less sexy Industries

yeah that is a very good question and in actual fact it’s probably  the less sexy industries that we’re seeing the most interest from at the moment because I think that’s what they’re thinking is how come you know how can we make our products sexy and so forth 

there’s a number of I suppose partners that we’re working with that  actually have clients in that space are delivering  in particular  threaded content that actually has embedded video in it that promotes products and solutions and that sort of thing  so again just being able to  I suppose  provide a  an experience that  that stands out from the norm 

so I’m 3D with video content in it   again  video branded video content  within augmented reality  and also  things like  we’ve seen it both from postcards and also from transactional mail so  upselling of  you know  card products and that sort of thing  through a transactional mail using the web IQR code and  video promotional products that is either delivered through with our old and in  3D

 can you provide references for upload and Go technology sources

I’m not really sure what that reference referencing yeah I’m not sure how to yeah I’m not sure I didn’t know if maybe you guys knew something I didn’t so I’m not  if it’s got anything if it’s got anything to do with  Can we can we sort of  you know provide references for  Technologies whereby you can actually simply come along and upload  assets to create augmented reality campaigns such as artwork for a  postcard and threaded content or video content and so forth  platforms like unified

I do exactly that so for example  if you actually came to our platform and actually had those assets ready to go you could literally set up an augmented reality campaign that could go to print within 90 seconds  it’s that quick it’s that easy

fantastic and then someone was interested in knowing if you have a resource or a place where they can actually create the AR content or collateral  we don’t but we can actually  we can actually direct people to  resources that can actually can actually do that and I think that’s actually a really good point too because I mean  a lot of customers already have resources  that would be very suitable for augmented reality they just don’t they’re just not aware of it

so such as  you know   property developers that actually have 3D renders of units and that sort of thing and  being able to actually then  export those renders into 3D files and so forth and or video content that that can actually be reused across multiple platforms but I think it’s also  important to note that whilst  you know both augmented reality  and QR code has evolved over the past few years so too has asset Productions so  whereas in the past you know it’s ready content was quite expensive to get developed  these days it’s you know there are three developers you know on every corner that can actually provide 30 services and so forth and in a lot of cases developing 3D content can actually be as cost effective if not even more cost effective than video content

all right fantastic I’ve got one here if we’re ready yeah right all right  Michael Martel asks and I I’m I’ll answer for me and then Stephen can answer him do you guys provide an API to deliver notifications to an outgoing database

we do not have a reporting API at this point it is in the works and it will report on anything we report on  Stephen do you have any comment on an outgoing guy for reporting yeah  pretty much exactly the same answer Brad we do have an API and we are currently working in particular with one of our partners  to actually create  the API calls to actually  pull reporting data out into their reporting dashboard so  I think with the Technologies such as  you know direct mile 2.0 and also unified AR  the API and API development is  an ongoing the development you know there’s you’ll always be working on it but yeah it’s definitely possible and  and you know we’re currently working on on it with one with one of our partners now

great all right I have no further questions and for the sake of time and experience I’d say unless Morgan you’ve got something else we cap it at this point I think that we’ve got through all of them we thoroughly thank everybody for your time this afternoon we know you have a lot of ways you can spend it we hope you found the content valuable special thanks to Stephen for joining us we really appreciate it we hope everybody enjoys the rest of their day take care guys