Customer Testimonials

Watch our Customer Testimonials to see why hundreds of printers and marketing agencies all over the country partner with DirectMail2.0.
Learn how to become a reseller and white label our technology by booking a demo today!

Why Do Printers Partner with DirectMail2.0?

Learn why hundreds of printers all over the country are partnering with DirectMail2.0 to provide a unique, branded offering for their business and set themselves apart from other print providers. Now is the time to lift your clients’ direct mail response rates and increase their return on investment. Also, by using our tracking technology, you can finally prove campaign attribution, leading to reorders and more mail campaigns. Last but not least, you will generate additional revenue by selling this add-on to the mail and acquiring new mail business by offering something other print providers can’t, but clients want.

How DirectMail2.0 Helps Printers Grow & Increase Results for Clients

Partners of DirectMail2.0 share how this omnichannel marketing system has helped grow their print business, provide their clients with increased results by using integrated digital technologies, and what they love most about partnering with DirectMail2.0.

Why Become an Authorized Partner of DirectMail2.0?

DirectMail2.0 is a marketing-based solution that is designed to seamlessly track the effectiveness of your direct mail campaign while enhancing results through the integration of digital platforms like Google, Facebook, Instagram and Informed Delivery.

Starting to sell DirectMail2.0 is a simple process. We work with your team to roll out training and marketing to your existing customers. The entire process is already created. You just benefit from the additional revenue. We have proven marketing pieces and resources that you will have unlimited access to. We also have an amazing sales training program. Don’t worry, your people will want to sell this product and we’re here to help make sure that happens!

Transforming Campaign Success for Partners

DirectMail2.0 delivers remarkable results, exemplified by a client who secured $8,000 in deals within days. It fills market gaps, drives larger orders, and enables cross-selling. Campaign scales skyrocket, with one client increasing from 5,000-10,000 to 25,000-50,000 pieces. Another achieved $10 million in CD and checking account sales.

Success Stories with Direct Mail 2.0: Transforming Marketing Strategies

Partnership with Direct Mail 2.0 streamlines integrated marketing, boosting campaign sophistication. Digital presence enhances efficacy, fostering sales growth. Co-sales efforts secure larger accounts. Healthcare client gains 128 new patients in four months. Appreciation for support and continuous improvement.

DirectMail2.0 Case Study: Dr. Jack Plawner

Dr. Jack Plawner uses DirectMail2.0 to bring new and return patients into his dental practice. He estimates 15-20% of the 90 new patients he sees per month are brought in by his postcards, generating $37,500 in monthly revenue! Watch the video to see how he does it!

DirectMail2.0 Case Study: Talbert Insurance Services

Talbert Insurance Services needed to find new clients to replace the ones they lost during the recession, so they tried DirectMail2.0. One of the first policies they signed was for a premium of more than $150,000! Watch the video to see how the liability insurance company generates a 225% return on investment!

Education Marketing Case Study: Avalon School of Music

After trying several advertising methods (with varying degrees of success), John Kolbrich started marketing his Orlando music schools with DirectMail2.0. Prospects who get his direct mail postcard in the mail and visit his website see ads for Avalon School of Music across more than a million websites across the Google display network. Today the music school gets about 42 new students every month, each with a lifetime value of about $5,000!

DirectMail2.0 White Label Testimonial: PostcardMania

Learn how DirectMail2.0 reversed direct mail’s declining trend for PostcardMania – and how it impacted the lives of the real people in charge of selling it!

DirectMail2.0 is a complete marketing product that mails and tracks direct mail postcards, tracks visitors to the client’s website, and continues to market to those website visitors online after they leave the site. Plus it tracks the results of the campaign, so your clients can easily see the return on their investment.