ROI Calculator

DirectMail2.0 will lift the response on your mail campaigns and boost ROI. Use our ROI Calculator tool to determine your increase in ROI, plus estimate costs and conversion metrics. You can also calculate the lifetime value of a customer.

Direct Mail Campaign Postcard
Campaign Printing/Mailing/Postage
Mailing Quantity
Campaign Print Costs
Campaign Postage Costs
Campaign Print/Mailing Total
Direct Mail Campaign
Example Postcard Mailing - With DM2.0
Campaign Printing/Mailing/DM2.0/Postage
Mailing Quantity
Campaign Print Costs
DM2.0 Costs (Price Per Piece Mailed)
DM2.0 Cost Total
Campaign Postage Costs
Campaign Print/Mailing/DM2.0/Postage Total

Direct Mail Response & Conversion Metrics
Est. Response Rate
Est. Responses
Est. Conversion Rate
Est. Conversions
Direct Mail Response & Conversion Metrics- With DM2.0
Est. Response Rate
Est. Responses
Est. Conversion Rate
Est. Conversions

Revenue Metrics
Average Order Size
Est. Revenue from Campaign Conversions
Est. Annual Purchase Frequency
Est. 12 Month Revenue
Est. Campaign ROI
Revenue Metrics - with DM20
Average Order Size
Est. Revenue from Campaign Conversions
Est. Annual Purchase Frequency
Est. 12 Month Revenue
Est. DM2.0 ROI

Estimated Postage
Increase in current DM response rates
Increase in estimated campaign conversions
Increase in estimated 12 month campaign revenue
Increase in campaign costs
Increase in ROI

Mailing Quantity
Campaign Printing Costs
Campaign Postage Costs
Campaign Print/Mailing Total
LEADMatch Response & Conversion Metrics
Estimated Response Rate
Estimated Responses
Estimated Conversion Rate
Estimated Conversions

Revenue Metrics when Mailing a LEADMatch Direct Mail Campaign
Average Order Size
Estimated Revenue from Campaign Conversions
Est. Annual Purchase Frequency
Est. 12 Month Revenue
Est. Campaign ROI
Lifetime Value of a Customer
The average $ amount of a new client's first order
The average $ amount of client's reorder
How many times per year does the average client buy from you?
On average, how many years does a client continue doing business with you?
Lifetime Value of this Customer