Technologies that Connect Printers to Revenue and Customers to Results

August 7, 2024 • Posted by Michelle

BoxMaker University’s Summer Camp event features industry leaders who can help you take your packaging game to the next level. Five days of free virtual on-demand classes and resources to boost your packaging knowledge and inspire your next project.

Morgan DiGiorgio, SVP Sales & Marketing at DirectMail2.0, was one of the featured experts who gave a presentation titled, “Elevate Print Marketing with Omnichannel Strategy: Technologies that Connect Printers to Revenue and Customers to Results.”


hello everyone and welcome to BoxMaker University we’re so glad to have you join us today our class today is titled

Elevate print marketing with Omni channel strategy technologies that connect printers to revenue and

customers to results we’re excited to share with you ways to revolutionize your print marketing and unlock powerful

Revenue driving Technologies in this webinar presented by Direct Mail 2.0 Direct Mail 2.0 specializes in

direct mail digital integration and the utilization of Technology that increase Direct Mail response rates and drive Roi

on marketing spend our speaker today is Morgan DiGiorgio senior vice president

sales and marketing for Direct Mail 2.0 Morgan’s professional background spans a range of Industries and positions she

has held roles in business development operations marketing and sales including co-founder of a medical-based technology

company Morgan has presented as a speaker at numerous events and conferences holds a Bachelor of Science

in Business Administration and management from University of Florida and is a subject matter expert for

Marketing Solutions that drive results Morgan thank you so much for being here with us today it’s my pleasure I’m

really happy to be here for those of you who are joining us and might not be familiar with the box maker we were

founded in 1981 as a custom packaging manufacturer and distributor with our

manufacturing headquarters here in Seattle Washington and a second all digital production facility in LOL

Arkansas we serve clients across North America through our three divisions enter Enterprise sales Trade Services

and our online web to print platform fantasti Pac at the boxmaker we’re passionate about being a resource for

you when it comes to All Things packaging protecting and promoting your products if you have any questions after

watching this OnDemand webinar please do not hesitate to reach out to our team of packaging advisers by visiting us online

at boxmaker tocom and without further Ado Morgan I will hand it off to you

thank you so much Katie I’m really excited today to talk about a strategy that is extremely effective for the

direct mail marketing channel and what we’re going to talk about today is Omni Channel marketing and how we can utilize

technology to track and show the effecacy of direct mail so I’ll start off just talking about Direct Mail as a

marketing channel because it is an extremely powerful Channel with an advertising industry of around 58.5

billion dollar now in the United States it’s about a$ 10.9 billion dollar industry but it’s projected to almost

double by the end of this year 2024 closing out at around a 2038 billion industry now nearly 72% of

businesses use direct mail to generate sales and over 91% of promo mail is r

and opened now Direct Mail is such a powerful channel it’s not like when I go out I I open my email in the morning and

I have a hundred different spam emails I don’t open those I just hit delete they don’t capture my attention I never see

the marketing message that’s on any of those emails however when I go out to to my mailbox and I grab my mail whether or

not I make the decision to discard that mail piece I still receive the the marketing impression that was on that

mail piece even if I choose to discard it it’s powerful it impinges Direct Mail takes about 21% less cognitive effort to

process than digital marketing it activates the long-term memory centers in the brain so when that message is

repeated and Pines and it’s such a powerful channel to inject into your overall marketing strategy if you’re not

utilizing or harnessing the power of male you absolutely should be it’s also an effective channel for all

demographics whether we’re talking about a younger demographic or all the way up to a very age demographic so extremely

powerful marketing channel but with any channel there are some challenges so I just want to talk a little bit about the

challenges of direct marketing as a whole from a couple of different perspectives one is from the marketer’s

perspective so marketers that are utilizing mail for marketing purposes we have experienced quite a lot of

struggles or challenges uh within the industry as a result of supply chain issues paper shortages we’ve been

experiencing postage in increases a couple of times a year so as a marketer

that’s utilizing mail we’ve been experiencing uh exponential increases in our advertising cost but we’re getting

the same results right we’re utilizing that same channel and and honestly not just a direct mail marketing channel but

spend in and advertising cost is going up for all channels across the board and we appear to be getting less or the same

results for an increase in that spend and marketers want more than that they want better results they want higher

response rates they want more leads they want to find ways to save money on marketing they also because they’re more

cost conscious want to find ways that they can actually track the response to the direct mail they want to know is

this channel working am I investing in the right channel am I actually seeing a response from that so they need to find

ways that they can track and show attribution to these channels additionally they want streamline

solutions that are cost effective and easy to deploy right because internally

they’re also struggling with internal resources and the deployment of these marketing campaigns now from a print

provider’s perspective you know what we want to do is we want to tap into a larger portion of that $ 59 billion

industry we want to get a larger portion of that Revenue we don’t want to lose customers to other print providers

because unfortunately we do find ourselves in a cost Bas environment where a customer is so hyperfocused on

cost that they we might lose business to ABC printer down the street because they’re willing to do it for less money

and that is a really bad place to be so we need to take an approach or put ourselves in a position where we’re

adding value or we’re differentiating ourselves from our competitors if we can add enough value a customer is not going

to leave and go to a competitor because they’re printing It For Less right if we can find ways or programs that we can

lift the response rate on our customers Direct Mail campaign s equip them with technology where they can track show

attribution know that the direct mail is actually working they will continue to invest in this Channel and they will

continue to invest in you because you will be adding so much value it will make that relationship so sticky they

won’t be looking for you know a penny less somewhere else it will help you to overcome those price

challenges so you have to stand out right if you’re a printer or you’re a maale service provider you have to find

a unique selling proposition or way that you were standing out and the most appropriate way to do that is in the

form of a value added component now if you’re a marketer you absolutely have to stand out on average consumers are

seeing anywhere from around 4 to 10,000 marketing messages a day and I’m talking about Direct Mail digital email

Billboards logos on t-shirts vehicle wraps they’re inundated

with marketing messages and the advertising ecosystem has become more

and more saturated as time goes along um there’s so many additional channels

that have been injected into the marketing ecosystem and so more than ever we have to find ways to get our

marketing message to stand out and impinge with our prospects so one of the

most effective ways to do that is with an omni Channel marketing campaign and not just any type of an omni Channel

marketing campaign I’m talking about taking advantage of The Best of Both Worlds utilizing a more marketing

strategy that is harnessing the power of offline on and online but in the most

effective way possible so we take what we know about direct mail right we know that it has a a very high memory recall

it impinges we take and start our our marketing campaigns with direct mail and

then from there we utilize digital to reinforce or repeat that message and

utilize multiple channels to engage our prospects now prospects are looking for

an omni Channel marketing type of experience right they like to start the

buying journey in certain channels they like to do their research in others and they like to convert in others not to

mention the fact that don’t forget that they’re inundated with so many ads you have to get in front of them multiple

times if you’re going to not only capture their attention but keep it and maintain it until you actually drive a

conversion so if you utilize an omni Channel marketing strategy that’s harnessing the power of mail and then

reinforce that messaging with digital and then utilize technology to track and show who’s responding and then reinforce

and close the conversion with mail you have one of the most powerful Omni Channel marketing approaches that is

driving a high high conversion and R at row as on your marketing spend now here

at Direct Mail 2.0 our sole purpose is to make Direct Mail the most effective

form of marketing by integrating it with Cutting Edge technology and we specialize in in Omni Channel marketing

campaigns but what I want to do today is is more just provide some education on

how you can utilize different channels to put together an omni Channel marketing campaign that will drive a

high conversion for your marketing spend and there’s a lot of different ways to do that so if you’re sitting there

thinking gosh you know what really is Omni Channel I know I’ve explained it but let me give you a little bit of mass

so as you can see here Geo is very good at Omni Channel marketing you can see we

have the offline letter here direct mail piece uh we have billboard digital ads

we’ve got the gecko the Geico and the 15 minutes could save you 15% or more and it’s translated across all of these

channels right if you see that Geico it in that Geo it impinges even if you

didn’t have Geico insurance and you heard 15 minutes could save you 15% or more you would know that is Geico

because they do a very good job at Omni Channel marketing now you might say to me well yes I mean Geico is you know a

billion- dollar company and they spend a ton of money on marketing which is absolutely correct but most companies do

not have the demographic of Geico right but with the appropriate marketing strategy you could be the Geico of your

demographic so very very powerful strategy here now from a print

provider’s perspective this is a way for you to add value for your customers instead of just putting ink on paper you

can really differentiate yourself from your competitors by offering some type of an omni Channel marketing solution

you have opportunities here where you can actually go out and acquire new mail

business not on a cost-based perspective from a value added component when you’re

talking to a marketer and they’re utilizing direct mail for marketing they already believe in the power of mail now

what you would like to do is come in and offer more value help lift the response of their direct mail campaigns by

providing them with an omni channnel marketing approach that’s holistic that’s comprised of mail that’s

integrated with digital that adds Technologies on that can help them track and show attribution um and I highly

recommend that you find some way to report all of that data it maybe into a

dashboard do you have a customer portal where they can log in and potentially see tracking on their mail integrate the

results of these Omni Channel campaigns and some sort of reporting dashboard um we do have a a white label reporting

dashboard here we report all the all the results if you are a mail provider um that you can extend that to your your

direct mail clients or your direct mail clients can log in and see the results in real time but giving them access to

data is so integral they can continuously use this data to keep improving their direct mail campaigns

going on and on right I mean unfortunately as much as I hate to say it every marketing campaign that you

deploy is a test in some form or shape okay um you know there’s just so many

different variables even the time that you’re dropping it if you could be using the same list creative offer call to

action there could be environmental factors all kinds of different things going on that would potentially affect

the efficacy of that Direct Mail campaign so when you have the ability to appropriately track it and and gain

insight into why a campaign is performing really well or maybe why it didn’t perform as well as previous

campaigns you can use that data to alter amend modify and continuously improve

the outcomes um not to mention if you have an OM Channel solution and

customers are so costc conscious currently at this time there are ways that you might be able to offer them a

hybrid type of marketing solution for say the next six months to a year maybe

they’re used to doing a very large drop of mail in a weekly or a monthly basis now they’re telling you that because of

postage maybe they only want to mail once quarterly well if you have an omni Channel solution you have an opportunity

there where in these downtimes where maybe they’re not mailing as much you

can offer to extend an omni channel uh marketing campaign on their list instead

of the mail so now you have an opportunity to capture some Revenue where maybe you were losing or didn’t

have an opportunity to capture any so what it does is it just opens a lot more

opportunities not only for you to add value capture Revenue but also for your

customers right you’re offering them solutions that coincide with their current budget restrictions but also are

still driving and delivering results for that um now this is very important too I

mean I I think that sometimes print or mail service providers aren’t aware that

customers are so aware of how effective Omni Channel marketing campaigns are and according to Napa research they’ve done

a lot of study on on what what’s next for mail or what customers are looking

for what would drive them to invest more indirect mail and in particular on the

very top 42% % of companies would be convinced to use more print if they had

access to Unique print programs that actually tie print two digital channels

so they’re aware of the power of these Omni Channel campaigns but maybe they just don’t have access to them

internally it’s difficult and challenging for them to deploy um you know if you think about even a very

large National retailer absolutely you know internally they have digital marketing teams but they’re are running

silos they have one department for email one for direct mail one for digital getting them all to communicate together

and get all of their different budgets from all those different departments approved so that they can deploy a

message that looks just like the direct mail campaign to go out that that is like moving a mountain sometimes so as a

print provider if you have a streamlined Omni Channel marketing solution that you can just turn a key and deploy and layer

that on top of a mail campaign for them you’re providing a solution for them they can’t necessarily uh get done

internally right and they’re looking for programs like this a small mailer doesn’t have access to those type of

programs either so you really have an opportunity here to add value and provide them with something that they’re

actually looking for napco research also shows that marketers who use four to six

channels in their multi-channel campaigns are getting the best response rates so you need to be utilizing

multiple channels to drive a high response on your marketing on your marketing spend I think that

historically there’s been a proverbial tug OFW between offline and online you know where am I going to invest my

marketing budget should I put it in direct mail or should I put it in digital and the truth of the matter is is that you really should not be having

a marketing campaign that is not utilizing both um you really should have

something that is harnessing the power of both and playing well together in the sandbox because that is where you’re

going to get the best response rates so Omni Channel marketing has some extremely powerful statistics

coordinating digital and Direct Mail campaigns can increase website visits by up to 68% right because you’re hitting them

multiple times also integrating digital elements with Direct Mail can lead to a

53% increase in generated leads and there’s a lot of reasons for this and we’ll talk about it in a minute and it

it it all centers around the way that people respond to marketing so all marketing is driving people to a website

but they’re not converting right away right over 97% of organizations using

Direct Mail campaigns with digital report better campaign performance than

just a standalone effort purchase frequency is

250% higher on Omni Channel vers single Channel and the average order value is

133% more per order on Omni channel for single channel 73% of retail consumers

are Omni Channel shoppers they’re utilizing multiple channels for their shopping needs and I was talking about

that a little bit earlier they like to start the journey through some channels do research through others and convert

and buy through others not to mention that when you integrate digital elements it allows you to track that user

Behavior you can track website visitors and and you can show a more measurable return on investment which is very

important especially for an offline Channel like direct mail that historically has been very challenging

to track so if I’m a print provider need to find ways that I can track and show

the response to direct mail so that I can prove to my customers that it’s working so that they continue to make

that investment with me so how do people respond to marketing

they go online which is fantastic are marketing is working right it’s driving that initial web traffic but if they

don’t buy anything if they don’t fill out a form if they don’t reach into me in some way how do I know that that that

marketing is working now with digital I can have Google Analytics on my website and I can see how many hits I’m getting

to my site from a social media campaign or a Google campaign and you know my digital marketing strategy looks

phenomenal it’s just working oh my gosh I can see how much traction I’m getting to my website but when someone’s standing in their living room and they

receive a direct mail piece and that same person is driven online via the offline Channel we do not know that

right and the thing is is that it’s working and they’re being driven to the website but about 96% of people leave

before converting they don’t buy only about 4% of people convert right away and there’s a lot of

reasons for that right and it depends on what the cycle is if it’s a really you know um big decision maybe like a home

renovation someone’s not going to just automatically get out their checkbook or pick up the phone and make a decision to

just invest $100,000 in a company I mean if I want to renovate something in my home like my kitchen I’m going to leave

that website after I run my due diligence and probably going to get talk to go to another five contractors’s

websites run some research on them get some quotes have them come out to my house um you know maybe it’s going to

take me six months to wear my husband down to get him to invest that money because maybe he wants to use it to buy

a boat I mean there’s a lot of reasons why somebody maybe wouldn’t convert right away and so it’s so important that

we reinforce the messaging that drove them to the website in the first place the direct mail worked it they developed

an interest they went to the website they left now let’s utilize digital to

reinforce that message get back in front of them in as many instances as we can

and to sway them away from the competitors that they went and investigated as well so we know that repetition is what

works in marketing okay it does not matter what channel you’re utilizing you have to employ the power of repetition

and we have run thousands of camp pain St a platform and the statistical data shows that on average about 80% of sales

and nonprofit uh the donation and political the vote is occurring between the 8th and the 12th touch we have to

get our prospects up into these contact margins where conversion is taking place and that’s just not going to occur with

a oneandone mail drop and the easiest and and most coste effective way to accomplish this is through the

utilization of an omni Channel marketing campaign um there’s a lot of data out

there too um I don’t know you can look into the marketing rule of sevens you know hit your prospects at least seven

times um now now that we have so many different um advertising Platforms in

the marketing ecosystem and and it is so saturated you have to bump those touches

up just a little bit more you know so we have so much opportunity too

right we have so so many different channels that we have an opportunity to reach our prospects through so we don’t

want to just put all of our eggs in one basket or limit ourselves and really harness and take advantage of the

channels that we have at our fingertips especially the ones that coincide with the audiences that we’re marketing too

right we know certain demographics spend a little bit more time on certain channels than others so really take

advantage of these opportunities that you have not to mention the statistical data out there that shows that eight is

the number of channels that Global customers leverage to engage with companies right so they are expecting

this Omni Channel experience they’re not just engaging through one channel so if you’re limiting yourself you’re really

limiting your ability to drive a conversion on your marketing spend so from a marketer’s perspective why I

would want to use an omni Channel marketing approach is because I need to get that

repetition I need to get those 8 to 16 Impressions and I need to do it in the

most costeffective way possible right and I need those technologies that give me the ability to track and show that my

marketing spend is working not to mention that some technologies that we

can integrate into our Direct Mail campaigns also qualify for postage discounts so if I’m more cost conscious

and I’m being you know hammered with these postage increases twice a year if

I can get a lift in respon on my direct mail by integrating Omni Channel and also take advantage of some postal

incentives it’s a win-win right so these are 14 technologies that we offer um at

our organization and you know these are technologies that you could Deploy on

top of a direct mail campaign for your customers so I want to talk a little bit about these Technologies the use case

for them and how they can add value to direct mail campaigns first thing you can do is you can take a mailing list

you can upload that into Facebook and Instagram you can actually find the Facebook and Instagram accounts of the

people on the mailing list and you can serve up ads to them that look just like

the direct mail piece that they are going to receive now this is important and in the use case for it can be used

in a couple of different manners one you can use it to start to warm them up to the dark mail piece that they’re about

to receive also after they receive that mail piece and they get that marketing

message you can reinforce the messaging on the mail they received now in my

personal experience that reinforcement is so valuable I’ve received a mail piece and I’ve honestly I’ve got this

pile on my counter oh I’m interested in all these things right I put it in my counter but I forget about them or for

example um I contribute to a lot of nonprofits at the end of the year like my alumni and several different others

but it’s just not top of mind right I have it in this pile it’s a very busy time of year for me I’ve got 100 people

coming over for Thanksgiving I’m trying to get ready for Christmas and whatever my Christmas break plans are the kids

are home they’re out of school I mean there’s a lot going on right and making that donation to the nonprofit

unfortunately just isn’t the top of mind or first thing that I’m thinking about now I want to convert but I just

forget right so let’s say I get that mail piece I set it on my counter or

let’s say that I discard it into entirely well maybe later in the evening I want to do something mindless because

you know I’ve been working all day and I’m scrolling my phone I’m looking through my social media and a digital message pops up that reinforces that

direct mail piece with that marketing message that already imp pinched and I say that’s right you know what I’ve got

a minute right now let me go get my debit card or my checkbook or whatever it is and let me take care of that and

that is one use case way that we can use digital to reinforce and drive a conversion on the mail that was re

received mail tracking we can integrate via USPS in form visibility and we can provide mail

tracking to give our customers peace of mind that what they’re paying for is being delivered you can show them when

certain quantities of mail are projected to be delivered so they can more appropriately plan for calls or leads

that might be flowing into their organization um you can equip them with data that shows them very granularly

each individual mail recipient and the date it was delivered so let’s say that

your customer has a sales team I want to know when that mail piece has been delivered like let’s say for example I’m

an insurance or I work at a car dealership I can see that mail piece was delivered now is my opportunity to pick

up the phone call them follow up with them ask them if they receive the offer and how I can help them take advantage

of it so there’s tons of data in mail tracking that we can harness and utilize

just to get peace of mind direct mails a significant investment or we can use it in our sales cycle to help Drive

conversions additionally QR codes are such a valuable tool you know people

scan a QR code where do they go to a website right once someone gets on a

website we can use cookies and pixels to capture those people put them in a funnel start showing them digital ads

and help to drive those conversions on top of that we have an opportunity to show tracking right so I can show the

number of times the QR code was scanned showing track in my offline direct mail piece or I can utilize a personalized QR

code and I can actually see who scan that QR code also with the emerging

advanced technology discount I have an opportunity to take advantage of 3%

postage discounts with a QR code as well um informed delivery this is one of one

of the best things that USPS has ever done this is the true definition of omni

Channel every morning I email that shows me scanned images of all the mail that’s

going to be in my mailbox now with informed delivery you can also put a

full color Ride Along image right underneath that mail piece it can be clicked on and take someone right over

to your website where they can convert or again be put into a funnel to be hit

with digital ads to get back in front of them until they do convert now let me just talk a little bit about this

channel okay this is an email Channel and the open rates on it are

astronomical in fact the open rate hovers around 67% now if anybody on this uh you know

educational webinar today is utilizing email marketing then you know that that

is an unbelievable open rate if you had a house list and you’re running email you might be lucky to get even an 18%

open rate and that’s to a house list people that are expecting your email they’re waiting for that coupon code to

buy that product or service that they utilize from you so just such a great way to get yet another impression in

front of them before the mail’s been delivered or they just keep it in their email when they’re ready to take

advantage of it additionally there’s a 4% postage discount that runs throughout

the end of the year that your customers can take advantage of as well um oh and

there is an attribution report for informed delivery that you

can export and you can show them who on their mailing list actually got the informed delivery email opened it and

clicked on the ad so showing them that attribution to this Channel and their direct mail campaign Now call and text

tracking is also a very effective technology for showing attribution a call tracking number can be utilized uh

on the mail piece when it rings it goes over to a line of your customers choosing that could be a call center you

could utilize multiple call tracking numbers on cell phones um and you can track and show how many calls actually

came in showing that the mail is working now there’s a hole here let’s say that

they get the mail piece they go to the website there’s a different number on the website they might call that number

you are not going to show 100% attribution with a call tracking number but you have an opportunity to show

attribution and you can show that calls were coming in and you can show that the mail was working and in addition to that

you can also show their phone number who they are their address we can pend email

and show email of this person and perfect your data so now you’ve required a phone number and an email that you

didn’t have before this is giving your organization additional opportunities and ways that you can Market to them and

phone numbers for your sales team to call after you run that through the Do Not Call Registry you don’t want to get

any fines of course right uh and also we record the call so you can run QC on how

these calls or leads are being managed now you can use that same call tracking

number number to have a call to action on the mail piece that might say text

offer for you to this number to receive something in return now that could be a

coupon code that could be a link to enroll in email marketing so you get

your opin or a link that drives them to a special offer page and you can also

capture the data about the person that responded via inbound SMS and you can

see how many responses came in showing and tracking the attribution to the mail

as well now I talked a lot about following up with a prospect once they hit your

website right because we know that 96% of them leave once they get there right

so there are a couple of different ways that we can follow up with them get back in front of them and remind them of

their interest to help drive a conversion now one way that you can do this is with displaying ads throughout

the Google ad space and I’m sure that everybody has experienced it you look at something online you leave

next thing you know you’re seeing pictures of this ad all over the Internet that is Google retargeting

follow up with them online get back in front of them and remind them of their interest also follow up with them

through social when they’re scrolling those news feeds display ads to them reminding them about that interest that

they had um you can also display ads to these prospects through other other channels

like YouTube Discovery ads now Discovery ads um we actually rolled over into

something called demand gen and that is a three for one so I just want to show you something

here um and the three ad placements are the YouTube

homepage Gmail so of course that’s an email that shows up in in their Gmail

account and then also the uh Google Toolbar okay now the

Google Toolbar is on your mobile device if you’re on your mobile device you have the ads that appear

right below there okay now let’s think about this for a second Google is the first most visited site on the web I’m

on Google a 100 times a day YouTube is the second most visited website on the

web okay people are on there searching for things how to change my refrigerator filter I I watch exercise videos on

there my my husband looks at how to you know make repairs on vehicles and things

so really powerful platforms to have ad space and reinforce Direct Mail

marketing Additionally you can utilize the power of video through YouTube you can use the power of video through the

social channels which is a very powerful tool above and beyond just a still ad it

will drive a higher response geot targeting is a great element to incorporate as well let’s think about a

location that is opening a new store in addition to sending mail out to them in

addition to being able to serve up ads to the people on the mailing list in these geographical locations you can

cast a much wider net digitally and you can get in front of other relevant leads in the same geographical locations as

the people that you’re mailing to so you can add a lot more value for your customer Market reinforce a direct mail but also

serve a bads to additional relevant leads who are then going to go to the website and we’re going to capture with

a smart pixel technology to build a mailing list and mail to them and I’ll talk about that in a

minute another technology is addressable geofencing so you can take a mailing

list you can get a 90% or higher match rate on this list you can identify every

single device device that is known to be within an address that you are mailing

to and you can serve up ads to every single one of those devices okay this is

not IP based targeting over 54 billion different data points are being analyzed and digested on a daily basis to truly

acknowledge and identify every single device within a household so you’re sending out a mail piece you can serve

up ads to every device wherein let’s say you’re a uh Financial Services you’re

you’re running a financial sem semar and you’re sending out a mail piece with one of those juicy steaks you want them to

come over uh you know to to the steakhouse and and have a stake on you

and learn about how they want to invest your money for your retirement and Jim Smith gets the mail piece and he tosses

it in the garbage but Betty Smith is at home on the couch and she starts seeing ads on her phone for that stake and says

Jim I’d really like to go over here and learn more about how we can invest for retirement and eat this juicy steak

right so you can bypass gate Keepers or maybe Jim tosses the mail piece and sees

the ads later and changes his mind but these are ways that we can reinforce our Direct Mail marketing now the tracking

on this technology is amazing you can show online conversions at the zip plus

4 level someone that gets the mail piece and sees the ads and goes online we can show a number of conversions

Additionally you can run offline conversions so if they’re if you are

running campaigns for a retail location or maybe a Jiffy Lube or someone’s going in to get an oil change when they walk

into the conversion Zone it will ping their device and show an offline

conversion someone that got the mail and received the ads converted they walked

into that location really remarkable technology

now email by itself as a cold Prospect tool not very effective okay but email

with mail is a very effective strategy because the mail is driving that initial

marketing message and Pines and you can reinforce it with email so I highly

recommend using email with mail you will be able to capture and deliver that Omni

Channel experience and drive some more traction there okay now let’s talk about

tracking there are smart pixels that can go on a website that will de anonymize a website visitor

and it will give 95% accurate contact information about that website visitor okay why do I want this well there are

no better people to Market to than people that are actively on the website

they are literally raising their hand and telling you I am interested in this product or service I’m on this website

and and actually this in particular is what I’m interested in because I’m on this page or that page so you can get

95% accurate contact information you can know in particular where on the website they were located

and what they looked at and you can build yourself a mailing list that will drive on average around a 9 to an 18%

response rate so really really viable mailing list people are more costc

conscious this gives them a very targeted list of people that are very likely to respond and you can incorporate

personalization okay because we know who they are we can append their name you

can append additional data and you can mark it to them about what they were looking at okay so let’s say that I’m a

higher education uh I’m I’m an institution a higher education facility okay someone

goes to my website and I have 150 different undergraduate programs well I know in particular that Morgan went to

my website and she looked at my nursing program now I’m going to send her a direct mail piece with uh an offer

talking about my nursing program and why she should enroll in our educational institution as opposed to probably the

20 others that she’s looking at um additionally after building a mailing

list you can use this technology to suppress against the mail file to show how many people on the mailing list went

to the site so remember earlier when I was talking about how when someone’s standing in their living room they get a

mail piece and they go online you don’t know that well you do when you use

technology like this to De anonymize a website visitor and suppress it against the mail file now you know the mail

worked whether they convert fill out a form or do nothing you know they went to the website that the mail is working but

more importantly you know who right so I can suppress that against the people

that actually bought the people that didn’t now I can send them another mail

piece now let’s just think this is called Direct Mail retargeting okay okay and and this qualifies for 5% postage

discounts let me give you a real life scenario real quick okay I’m online uh I

may or may not have a tiny tiny tiny little shopping addiction but anyway I’m online and I’m scrolling and I see you

know another pair of shoes that I probably don’t need I go to the website you know I put five shoes in my C and

I’m like oh my gosh I don’t need these shoes okay I go to abandoned cart a little box pops up and says wait do not

leave 10% off if you buy now and I think oh my gosh 10% isn’t that great and and

I abandoned card well two days later I get a postcard in the mail with a picture of that shoe and it’s offering

me 20% off and free shipping so I come back I check out and I probably buy two

and that is the way that Direct Mail retargeting Works using this technology

re-engaging and reinforcing with mail now if you’re running only digital marketing and all of these people are

being driven to your website you don’t know who they are but if you use

technology like this you can identify them and if they’re not converting you can send a mail piece and drive the

conversion with mail so see you shouldn’t be using one without the other

they work together in the most effective way possible now as far as attribution

is concerned this was a campaign that we ran it was a smaller one it was just under 5,000 pieces they had 17 calls

it’s not blowing me away you know I’m not I’m not necessarily convinced that Direct Mail was a phenomenal investment

for me based on 17 calls I don’t know maybe maybe if each customer is you know

$200,000 or something like this but most instances I’m not blown away here right but because this campaign used a smart

pixel they could see that 932 people on the mailing list went to

the website that’s an almost 19% response rate to the mail now I believe

in the power of mail utilizing a dashboard right use a

dashboard or some kind of reporting to not only track all your customers campaigns but also to give your

customers access to all this data Don’t just run these campaigns for them you know show them the data because there’s

so much you can give them like if you’re running one of those uh social media enhancements you can drill down into the

demographic data you can see they they uh are they male are they female age

groups maybe you have a creative let’s say you’re a like a resort and your creative is um a bunch of gentlemen on a

golf course and you’re like gosh I really didn’t get a very good response here and you drill down into this data

and you see that the majority of the audience you reached was female H now I know what happened my creative was wrong

so I manipulate my creative to some ladies in a spa you know getting manicures or massage and now I have the

ability to use the data knowing who I’m actually reaching so that I can lift and increase the response to my direct mail

campaign the direct mail will work there’s just something that I had to change about it right and that’s how you

can use this data um this is a case study for a higher education uh

institution that we ran they used that lead match pixel they identified the website traffic they sent them Direct

Mail pieces based on the undergraduate programs that they were looking at and they got a 25% response rate to the mail

campaign they had a 53% increase in total deposits 26% increase in students

admitted deposits it was a phenomenal campaign they used Omni Channel and they

used that lead match pixel this was a nonprofit and they added Omni Channel

marketing onto their direct mail campaigns they increased giving by 25% they also generated 6,000 780

firsttime donors they put that smart pixel on the ways to give and how to get

involved pages and they were able to identify new donors that they could solicit for a donation and contribution

they also because they layered the Omni channel on top of the mail converted

5400 Labs donors so people they were mailing to and they weren’t getting a

donation when they layered the Omni channel on they converted those $5,400

lapse donors into donors increasing monthly donors by 78% so Omni channel is so so powerful

you know these are tools that we can be utilizing to increase response rates we

can increase Revenue if I’m a mail service provider or increase revenue for

our customers and also take advantage of some postal discounts and

savings so if you have any questions about Omni Channel um you know anybody

watching today I’m happy to have a conversation you know just in general or you want to talk a little bit about

strategy there’s a QR code you can scan it you can email me here there’s my phone number and contact

information W Morgan that was that was amazing thank you so much for that awesome presentation illustrating the

power of combining print and digital marketing Technologies I love the quote be the Geico of your demographic that is

amazing it’s my pleasure thank you so much for having me K so awesome and you know we’re talking

about direct mail here but to expand on the idea of that 8 to 12 touches your packaging is Another Touch point so if

you’re using digital print to deploy inbox marketing or cross- selling of your other products you know that’s

another touch point that you can reinforce on the in part of your Omni channel strategy

100% I did want to ask you just a couple questions that came up during the presentation um what do you say to

Brands who say that they don’t want to be annoying or don’t want to you know overwhelm their prospects with all those touches well you know that’s sometimes

that comes up not very often you know but the first thing that I have to say is that if somebody’s annoyed by your advertising they’re not your customer

okay they’re just not right and and you’re going to experience that with any channel you know inir mail you get the

people that call they’re angry take me off of your mailing list those aren’t your customers okay and and sales and

marketing it’s a numbers game so if for every one customer you annoy you you

gather and capture the attention of 100 more then you’re winning not to mention the fact that you have to remain

competitive and let’s say for example that you’re running a direct mail campaign and I I hate to say this but

your marketing dollars are driving traffic not only to your website but to your competitor websites so if your

competitors are employing a strategy like this and a direct mail recipient goes to your website and they leave and

go to your competitors and they have a follow-up Omni channel strategy and you don’t guess who they’re seeing they’re

seeing your competitor they’re never seeing you and so you’re just limiting

yourself and um what is a good do you have a rule of thumb around the general

Target list size that is at least a starting size that people can really leverage the direct mail 2.0 technology

effectively or do you help them build that list how does that work yeah I mean that’s a good question I I think that it

really depends upon what they’re trying to accomplish there’s a lot of different ways that we can employ a Omni Channel

marketing strategy no list really is too small but you know you’re going to get

out of it what what what you start with right so we have to think that we’re driving people to a website so if I send

out a 500 piece mailer and I typically get a 1% response rate I mean how many

people am I really following around right but there are other technologies that we can utilize that are not

dependent upon the amount of web traffic like the addressable G we can just get ads in front of every

single person on the mailing list so there’s no real limit to the mailing list you can do very small and targeted

list but some of the Technologies don’t work as well for that um so I I think it’s always just a strategic approach

and depending upon what they’re trying to accomplish thank you so much again Morgan for that presentation that was

amazing and thank you to our viewers for joining us um Morgan already put her contact information up there but if you

do have any questions please reach out to Morgan directly you can feel free to visit the boxmaker boxmaker

docomond demand webinars which is available at boxmaker docomo and for more inspiring stories

and content be sure to follow us on LinkedIn and Instagram or you can join our mailing list at boxmaker tocom jooin

thank you all very much